Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
388 lines
page ,132 ;
title RAMADE - Initialize DOS memory to use segments A,D and E
comment *
│ Name: ramade │
│ │
│ Function: This program enables the utilization of 192 k of RAM in │
│ addition to the 640 k normal maximum for a PC. The │
│ additional RAM must be installed at segment addresses A000, │
│ D000 and E000. The 64k of RAM in segment A is contiguous │
│ with the normal 640k and is used simply by extending the │
│ memory size above 640. The 128k in segments D and E is not │
│ contiguous with the rest of RAM. It is used for loading │
│ various resident extensions, thus freeing up RAM in the main │
│ area (0-704k). │
│ │
│ Description: The memory size is set to the end of segment E by resetting │
│ the bios memory size and rebooting. Storage in segments A, │
│ D and E is tested and cleared. Miscompares are detected, │
│ but no attempt is made to handle the more common case of │
│ parity checks during the test. │
│ │
│ Resident extensions are loaded in segments D and E by a │
│ secondary command processor which is invoded by RAMADE. │
│ After issuing a SETBLOCK function call to free the 128 K │
│ bytes in segments D and E, RAMADE invokes the secondary │
│ command processor with a command of 'AUTOLOAD'. This should │
│ be a bat file which contains the commands to load the │
│ resident extensions. │
│ │
│ After loading the resident extensions, RAMADE issues other │
│ memory management function calls which leave segments B and │
│ C allocated and free up unused memory below segment B. │
│ │
│ In addition, the warm boot flag in low storage is reset. │
│ The system bios sets this flag when doing a ctl-alt-del │
│ reset, but never clears it, apparently relying on power │
│ dropping to clear the area. (I've recently installed 256k │
│ chips on my system board, and after this installation, │
│ sometimes my system was warm booting when it should have │
│ been cold booting after turning the power off briefly.) │
comment *
│ Inputs: Memory size word in low storage │
│ │
│ Outputs: Memory size word in low storage │
│ Reset flag word in low storage │
│ │
│ Return Codes: First entry - none, exit via reboot. │
│ Second entry - always 0. │
│ │
│ Dependancies: Low storage areas - see lowstg segment. │
│ GWASMC macros. │
│ Assumes 832 k installed as described above. │
│ AUTOLOAD bat file invoked. │
│ │
│ Entry Linkage: Standard COM module invocation │
│ │
│ Exit Linkage: Int 21 function 31 (terminate and remain resident) │
│ or reboot via int 19. │
│ │
│ Change History: Ver 0.00 10/26/85 Under development │
│ 1.00 11/03/85 First release │
│ 1.10 11/05/85 Changed address equates to table │
│ 1.20 06/25/86 Save/restore regs around exec cmd │
│ processor for DOS 2.1 bug │
│ 1.21 12/05/86 Zap mem alloc table from "M" to "Z" │
│ This make DOS forget about discontig. │
; Get Macros and other standard setups
if1 ;
include gwasmc.mac ;
endif ;
.radix 16 ;
; Map low storage
lowstg segment at 0 ;
org 413 ;
mem_size dw ; Memory size in K, set by bios and us
org 472 ;
rst_flag dw ; Reset flag - set to 1234 by bios to
; indicate warm boot in process.
lowstg ends ;
; Global data segment entries and equates
cgroup group codeseg,dataseg ;
dataseg segment 'data' ;
db 'RAMADE 1.21 - IBM Internal Use Only ',0dh,0a
db 'Cornell Wright - WRIGHT at PKEDVM8 ',0dh,0a
if ($-dataseg) mod 10h ; align to paragraph boundry
org ($-dataseg)+10h-(($-dataseg) mod 10h)
endif ;
db 'ADDR TAB' ;
mconend dw 0b000 ; +00 End of contiguous memory (para addr)
mdissta dw 0d000 ; +02 Start of discontiguous memory
mdisend dw 0f000 ; +04 End of discontiguous memory
mseg1 dw 0a000 ; +06 First segment to clear and test
mseg1l dw 08000 ; +08 First segment length in words
mseg2 dw 0d000 ; +0a Second " "
mseg2l dw 08000 ; +0c " " "
mseg3 dw 0e000 ; +0e Third " "
mseg3l dw 08000 ; +10 " " "
dataseg ends ;
codeseg segment 'code' ;
psp label byte ; Program Segment Prefix
pspint dw ? ; Int 20H for return
org 2c ;
pspenv dw ? ; Segment address of the Environment
org 80 ;
pspparm db 80 dup(?) ; Input parameters
ORG 80 ;
pspparmn db ? ; Number of Characters
pspparmt db 7f dup(?) ; Text of input parameters
; Entry - clear reset flag & check for pass a or b.
assume cs:cgroup,ds:cgroup,es:cgroup,ss:cgroup
entry: ;
dosentry COMPGM ;
xor ax,ax ; get addressability to lowstg
mov ds,ax ;
assume ds:lowstg ;
mov rst_flag,0000 ; clear reset flag
mov ax,mdisend ; compare memory size to end
mov cl,6 ; convert from seg addr to number of k
shr ax,cl ;
cmp ax,mem_size ;
ljmp e,pass_b ; it's equal - this is the second pass
; Pass A - adjust memory size, test and clear extra ram, reboot
pass_a: ;
mov mem_size,ax ; set memory size to end
mov ax,cs ; reestablish ds
mov ds,ax ;
assume ds:cgroup ;
mov ax,mseg1 ; test and clear segments a,d & e
mov bx,mseg1l ;
call testmem ;
mov ax,mseg2 ;
mov bx,mseg2l ;
call testmem ;
mov ax,mseg3 ;
mov bx,mseg3l ;
call testmem ;
int 19 ; reboot
; Testmem - checkout memory area pointed to by ax, word len in bx
testmem proc ;
dataseg segment ;
testmsg db 'RAMADE00 - Testing RAM in segment '
segchar db ;
db '000.',0dh,0ah,'$' ;
dataseg ends ;
cmp bx,0 ; if count 0, get out
jne continue ;
ret ;
continue:push es ; save es
mov es,ax ;
mov cl,0c ; Convert seg addr to ascii
shr ax,cl ; and write message.
cmp al,09 ;
jle noadj ;
add al,7 ;
noadj: add al,30 ;
mov segchar,al ;
wto testmsg ;
cld ; test and clear memory segment
mov ax,05a6dh ; pattern = 5A6D
mov di,0 ;
mov cx,bx ;
rep stosw ;
mov di,0 ;
mov cx,bx ;
repe scasw ;
jne miscomp ;
mov ax,0a55ah ; pattern = A55A
mov di,0 ;
mov cx,bx ;
rep stosw ;
mov di,0 ;
mov cx,bx ;
repe scasw ;
jne miscomp ;
mov ax,06da5h ; pattern = 6DA5
mov di,0 ;
mov cx,bx ;
rep stosw ;
mov di,0 ;
mov cx,bx ;
repe scasw ;
jne miscomp ;
mov ax,0000 ; clear to 0000
mov di,0 ;
mov cx,bx ;
rep stosw ;
pop es ;
ret ;
miscomp: pop es ;
jmp errmc ;
testmem endp ;
; Pass B - free discontiguous memory, load resident pgms and free remaining ram.
pass_b: ;
push es ; reestblish local data segment
pop ds ;
assume ds:cgroup ;
mov bx,mdissta ; Issue SETBLOCK to free memory in
mov ax,es ; discontiguous area
sub bx,ax ;
setblock ,,errsb1 ;
; Find COMSPEC= in environment
dataseg segment ;
scanfor db 'COMSPEC=' ; environment string to scan for
scanfore equ $ ;
scanlen equ scanfore-scanfor ; length of scanfor
dataseg ends ;
cld ;
mov al,0 ;
mov di,0 ;
mov es,pspenv ; es:di points to environment
assume es:nothing ;
envloop: mov si,offset cgroup:scanfor; ds:si points to string to match
mov cx,scanlen ;
repe cmpsb ; scan for a match
je found ; if equal, we found it
sub di,1 ; no - look for end of string (00)
mov cx,0ffff ;
repne scasb ; find 1st 0 at or after miscompare
cmp es:byte ptr[di],0 ; if followed by another 0 then at end
jne envloop ; not 0 - go check next string
jmp errnocs ; err msg & get out
found: push es ; swap es & ds so es:di points to string
push ds ;
pop es ;
pop ds ;
assume ds:nothing,es:cgroup ;
mov dx,di ;
; Invoke command.com to run autoload.bat
dataseg segment ;
loadcmd db loadcmde-loadcmd-1 ; cmd string for 2ndary cmd processor
db '/c autoload',0dh; ;
loadcmde equ $ ;
lcb label byte ; load control block
lcbenv dw 0 ; address of passed environment
lcbcmd dd ; address of command string
lcbfcb1 dd 0 ; address of fcb1
lcbfcb2 dd 0 ; address of fcb2
dataseg ends ;
mov bx,offset cgroup:lcb ;
mov lcbcmd,offset cgroup:loadcmd
mov lcbcmd+2,es ;
mov al,0 ;
doscall 4bh ;
mov ax,cs ; restore seg regs for dos 2.1 bug
mov ss,ax ;
mov ds,ax ;
mov es,ax ;
assume cs:cgroup,ds:cgroup,es:cgroup,ss:cgroup
ljmp c,errexec ; check for error
; Free and reallocate 'missing' ram
mov bx,mconend ; Issue SETBLOCK to free memory in
mov ax,es ; missing area
sub bx,ax ;
dec bx ;
setblock ,,errsb2 ;
mov bx,mdissta ; Issue GETBLOCK to reallocate
sub bx,mconend ; missing area
getmain ,,errgm ;
cmp ax,mconend ;
ljmp ne,errwrad ;
freemain pspenv ; free environment
push es ;
mov ax,ds ; set es to segment of mem alloc block
sub ax,1 ;
mov es,ax ;
cmp byte ptr es:[0],byte ptr "M"
ljmp ne,errnotm ; if the first char is a "M", set to
mov es:byte ptr[0],"Z" ; the discontiguous memory.
pop es ;
dosexit ,0 ; terminate & remain resident, but free
; entire pgm area.
; Error messages and exit
errmc: ;
wto 'RAMADE01: Error - storage miscompare.'
jmp exit ;
errsb1: ;
wto 'RAMADE02: Error - from 1st SETBLOCK.'
jmp exit ;
errnocs: ;
wto 'RAMADE03: Error - COMSPEC= not found.'
jmp exit ;
errexec: ;
wto 'RAMADE04: Error - from EXEC.'
jmp exit ;
errsb2: ;
wto 'RAMADE05: Error - from 2nd SETBLOCK.'
jmp exit ;
errgm: ;
wto 'RAMADE06: Error - from GETMAIN.'
jmp exit ;
errwrad: ;
wto 'RAMADE07: Error - wrong address returned by GETMAIN.'
jmp exit ;
errnotm: ;
wto 'RAMADE08: Error - memory alloc block not found.'
jmp exit ;
; Exit
dosexit exit ;
codeseg ends ;
end entry ;